Investigates the problem of the Midway Atoll, otherwise known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a small land mass in the Pacific Ocean that collects the plastic refuse from three continents. Presents arguments against single-use plastic containers, which do not biodegrade. |
National Geographic 2005
National Geographic 2011
A Charon film 2006
A BBC/2 Entertain Video 2007
Produced by Tom Hugh-Jones and Dan Rees
National Geographic 2010
Based on the book by Jared Diamond
David Attenborough 1993
Directed by Alastair Fothergill
"On a 120-mile trek from Los Angeles Airport to the heart of Hollywood, the notorious writer, cultural provocateur and obsessive walker, Will Self interrogates the meaning of walking in a globalized industrialized world. |
National Geographic
Based on the book by Jared Diamond
National Geographic 2008
Directed by Clive Maltby
Written, directed and produced by Mark Terry 2009
coming soon