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DVD's: Management

RU Library - Level 1

Inside American Airlines

A CNBC original production 2003

Produced by Wally Griffith

Coca-Cola : the history of an American icon

Writer/producer Jeff Martin 2001

Playing to win

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A CNBC original production 2008

Finance for starting a business

A TV Choice Production 2005

Presented by David Nellist

Merchandising : the store as persuasion

Stage Fright Productions 2002

Written by Jeffrey Schrank

Beyond plan B : using your radar to navigate the future

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Compass Films 1996

How great companies achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people

Image result for How great companies achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people

Produced by Karen Sutton 2001

Directed by Jon Positeri

Body language in business

Dr Brian L. Jude 2006


Part 1 presents 24 Generation Y employees from a wide range of work environments who explain who this new generation is and what they need to be successful. Part 2 introduces 5 business executives, owners and consultants who present their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities the new generation brings to employers

Everything you always wanted to know about supervision

Coastal Training Technologies Corp., 2006, c1980

Marketing that works : implementing the market mix

VEA's marketing has long been a trend-setter in the industry, with a good marketing plan derived from the company's overall vision and plans, an excellent marketing mix which changes to meet changing circumstances, innovative market research techniques, and competent staff to put plans into practice

Top10tips: to improve your public speaking

The Persuaders

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Directed by Barak Goodman and Rachel Dretzin 2004

Coca-Cola : the real story behind the real thing

A CNBC original production 2009

Produced by Hakimah Shah and Bob Waldman

The winds of change

Written by Warren Schmidt 1991

Directed by Sam Weiss

Consuming kids : the commercialization of childhood

Written and directed by Adriana Barbaro and Jeremy Earp 2008

Produced by Adriana Barbaro

The language of advertising

Image result for the language of advertising

A TV Choice production 2001

Don't agonise - solutionise

Associated Management Services 2006

Dr Brian L. Jude

Toxic sludge is good for you

Media Education Foundation 2002

Produced by Margo Robb

The cultural environment of international business

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Produced and directed by Video Resource associates in conjunction with Marketvision productions 1992

Food, Inc

Produced by Robert Kenner, Elise Pearlstein 2008

Directed by Robert Kenner

Don't just hear - listen !

Image result for don't just hear but listen

Training presentation by Dr Brian L Jude on management skills

Gums and noses

A black comedy about a man working in the advertising industry who can't seem to get ahead because of his lack of inventiveness and creativity, until he discovers cocaine, thus beginning both his rise to the top, and his subsequent fall

Big Mac : inside the McDonald's empire

CNBC inc., 2007

Safe Hiring

Produced and directed by Tomothy Armstrong 2012

Leadership principles from a life at Starbucks : it's not about the coffee

Produced by Video Age Productions 2009

Best practices for your website : Making your website work for your user

Image result for best practices for your website dvd

Michael Gold 2003

Untold wealth : the rise of the super rich

CNBC 2008

Produced by Lori Gordon


International branding in the 21st century

Films for the Humanities and Sciences 2004

Directed by Eddie Harrison

Architecture to zucchini : the people, companies and organizations pioneering sustainability

Arnold Creek Productions 2005

More than a gut feeling

Produced by Coastal Training Technologies 2004

Directed by Michael Cowman

The customer is king

Presentation training by Dr Brian L Jude on customer services

Emotional intelligence

This film focuses on interviews with emotional intelligence team members, illustrating how EI can be integrated into the workplace to enhance other knowledge and technical capabilities. It illustrates how organizations such as Kaiser Permanente, State Street Bank, and Nichols Aluminum are accessing the power of emotions to create better, more productive teams and team members

Planning : the leopard in your business

Using the leopard as metaphor, this DVD shows the importance of planning in a business. Among the good planning practices discussed are goals, objectives, resources and performance management