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Margaret Smith Library, SAIAB: Find a journal article

The library at the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity contributes to research and teaching in the aquatic sciences through heritage collections and a global web of data. Resources and services are shared with Rhodes University Library

Rhodes University Library "Search All"

Comprehensive search of catalogue, articles, journals, books, media
across all RU Libraries and the holdings at NMMU, UFH and WSU Libraries.

Five steps for finding a journal article

1. Search a database

Why use a database to search for articles when you can simply “Google” something? Here's why! 

  • Searchable collections of abstracts (short summaries) and citations (references) to articles in journals and newspapers; also other publications like conference papers and chapters in books.
  • Verified academic sources indexed to retrieve the most relevant results by subject or type of publication.
  • No irrelevant information like advertisements.
  • Links to older material Many  journal back issues in print are not available on the open Internet. Use the databases to link to older RU Library subscriptions.
  • Search simultaneously across many years and many publications instead of browsing through individual publications (imagine going through year after year of every issue of a journal)
  •  Links to full-text articles are available from many database records.

For a simple search across authors, titles, subjects:
use a keyword - any word(s) - search

Quick Database Links

Found an article, but no full text link? Go to step 2

2.  Try these other online links

The article may be in an RU Library e-journal or e-book 

Also try accessing the article through the RU Library link to Google Scholar

Article not online? Go to step 3

3. Look in the Journal Collection or in the books

If we do not have the article online check on the OPAC whether we have the journal,
book chapter etc. in print 

You will be able to photocopy the article, or scan and email it to yourself.

Article not online and not in a print book or journal? Go to step 4

4. Check the SAIAB Library Reprint Collection

Articles date back to the late 1800s.

We have a card catalogue of authors,and families of fishes, up to the early 1990s.

The later reprints can be found through a search of Fisheries And Aquatic Biodiversity Worldwide Many of the articles on this database have full-text links.

If not full-text, you can photocopy the article in the Reprint Collection, or scan it to yourself.

You also look for older articles on the Biodiversity Heritage Library website

Still can't find the article?  Go to step 5

5. Ask a Librarian

We are always happy help you trace an article.

Rhodes University staff and postgraduate students can link directly to Inter-Library Loans