MON - FRI 08h00-13h00; 14h00-17h00,
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Find us on the lower ground floor of the SAIAB Building, Somerset Street, Grahamstown.
Tel 046-603-5838 / 046 603-5802
Fax 046-622-2403
Private Bag 1015
6140 South Africa
Ask the Librarians | SAIAB Website
Situated in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape, the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity S(AIAB) is an internationally recognised centre for the study of aquatic biodiversity.
Sharing research results with the world is key to the progress of your discipline and career. But with so many publications, how can you be sure you can trust a particular journal? Follow this check list to make sure you choose trusted journals for your research.
Steps to Off-Campus logins to RU Google Scholar
Step 1: https://ru.za.libguides.com/saiablibrary/databases
Step 2: Click on ‘Google Scholar’ box on bottom far right
Step 3: You will be directed to this page
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Note: Please contact our SAIAB Librarian for more help
Comprehensive search of catalogue, articles, journals, books, media across all RU Libraries and the holdings at NMU, UFH and WSU Libraries.
This network is intended for staff & students from Rhodes as well as from other eduroam participating organisations.
academic email address @wf.ru.ac.za
and password
Rhodes students
student number@wf.ru.ac.za
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Open Access 2016 at Margaret Smith Library on Slideshare