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Margaret Smith Library, SAIAB: Eddie van Dijk Collection

The library at the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity contributes to research and teaching in the aquatic sciences through heritage collections and a global web of data. Resources and services are shared with Rhodes University Library

About the Eddie van Dijk Collection

Prof Eddie van Dijk

SAIAB specimen collections are historically of fishes. Whilst our frog specimen collection is progressing very well our literature holdings have been sparse.

Retired Professor Eddie van Dijk, resident in Stellenbosch, has now donated his life’s collection of African amphibian literature to SAIAB, comprising some 11,000 reprints, reports and books. This comprehensive collection is well organised, with an associated database, and forms a unique resource that complements our growing frog specimen collection.

He has compiled bibliographies on African Anura (frogs and river frog toads), African tadpoles, African fossil frogs, and African vertebrate ichnology (tracks and other trace fossils).

The following links are to bibliographies on his old website.

Bibliografie van Afrika Anura/Bibliography of African Anura - pdf (510 kByte)

Bibliografie van Afrika Anura/Bibliography of African Anura - txt (903 kByte)

Sleutel tot die afkortings in die Bibliografie/Key to the abbreviations in the Bibliography 

Key to the fields in the Bibliography/Sleutel tot die velde in die Bibliografie

The development of an amphibian research collection at SAIAB 
Roger Bills

Diversifying the natural history collection has been an on-going focus of curation at SAIAB..

Van Dijk's River Frog

Van Dijk's River Frog

Amietia vandijki
(Visser and Channing, 1997)
Van Dijk's River Frog

(Pic: de Villiers, A.L. Atlas and Red Data of the Frogs of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland)