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Scholarly Communication: Research Collaboration & Social Scholarship

This guide defines Scholarly Communication, and its role in raising visibility of Researcher output and web presence. Scholarly Communication is defined as "the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality,

Identifying Collaborators

5th June 2022

EduData Summit Virtual Presentation-University Collaboration for Impact with the UN SDGs

University Collaboration for Impact with the UN SDGs Presented by Rachel Martin (Elsevier), Lucas Touloff (Cabells Scholarly Analytics), and Dr. David Steingard (Saint Joseph’s University, Haub School of Business).


June 2022

How to create and sustain effective research collaborations

The output of collaborative research is often intended to have real-world impact, and hence, the researchers involved are able to achieve what neither could have achieved on their own. This webinar focuses on how researchers from diverse scientific disciplines can collaborate in understanding and refining research questions, accessing and analysing appropriate data, and thereafter presenting their results and recommendations for decision making and implementation. Prof Eric Vance will draw on his experiences of working in collaborative teams under the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (LISA) to inspire attendees to improve on their collaborative skills.

22nd June 2020