Gold Open Access Journals make their research content:
Remember: There may be Article Processing Charges (APCs) that you would need to consider! You would need to visit our Research Office for more information.
Gold for Gold is an innovative experiment from the Royal Society of Chemistry that enables researchers to publish their paper in RSC journals free of charge, as a Gold Open Access (OA) article, without paying the normal Article Publication Fee (APF).
The RSC launched a pilot scheme in July 2012 to recognise the needs of researchers, who are being asked to publish Open Access (OA), but who often do not have the funding to pay for it directly. Under this initiative UK institutions that subscribe to RSC Gold (RSC's premium collection of 37 international journals, databases and magazines) are rewarded with voucher codes to have papers OA.
Following significant positive feedback and an improvement of processes and procedures, this initiative has gone global and OA voucher codes are now available worldwide to all institutions that subscribe to RSC Gold. In short, the RSC is committed to supporting the funder-led evolution to Gold OA.
The Rhodes Library is a 'RSC Gold’customer – our annual (2013)subscription (to the Gold package) was R194,000.00 (which at today’s exchange rate is about £13,500.00 ). This would pay the APF for 8 papers from Rhodes (see below on how they calculate this).