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Open Access: Understanding Repositories: Important Definitions

Resources and Information about the Open Access Movement

Understanding Repositories: Important Definitions

  • Creative Commons refers to the OA license used by authors to stipulate copyright and use of research publications
  • A Digital copy is the electronic copy of the publication in its final stage (either the author’s final manuscript after peer review or the publisher’s version).
  • An Embargo is the period during which a publication can be ‘closed’ while deposited in the  repository (i.e. the publication is not openly available).
  • An Institutional Open Access Repository, is established according to international standards, containing digital content from various disciplines and providing advanced tools for search, navigation and Open Access to its digital collections
  • Metadata are the descriptors used for describing, tracing, use and management of the deposited item (indicatively: title of publication, author(s), institutional affiliation, name of journal where the publication has been accepted).
  • Pre-prints refer to the unpublished draft of research intended for publishing in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Post-prints refer to the final print of research articles after peer-review.
  • A Publication is defined as the peer-reviewed published (or under publication) work of researchers based in the institution (indicatively this comprises articles, monographs, book chapters, reports, conference presentations).
  • A Repository is one that provides Open Access to scientific results, enables citation through permanent identifiers (DOI or other) and provides qualitative metadata (including acknowledgment of research funding) based on accepted guidelines and standards.
  • A Researcher is any member of the research/academic/support staff of Rhodes University irrespective of their employment status.
  • Research Data is the data (such as statistics, results of experiments, measurements, observations, interview recordings, images, etc.) used to validate the results presented in scientific publications.
  • Self-Archiving refers to the deposit of digital documents on the designated institutional platform by the individual.

(Taken from the RU Open Access Policy document)