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Open Access: Copyright Basics & Creative Commons Licences

Resources and Information about the Open Access Movement

The Open Educational Resources Movement and Creative Commons Licenses


Recording of a webinar, Creative Commons Open Licenses: What is it all about? by Paul G. West (04/09/20)

Presentation slides


Copyright Basics & Creative Commons Licences: Copyright Information

Author Rights

Image result for SPARC

SPARC Author Rights Initiative

"The SPARC Author Addendum is a legal instrument that modifies the publisher's agreement and allows you to keep key rights to your articles."

Image result for sherpa romeo

Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving

A convenient summary listing of permissions that are normally given as part of individual publishers’ copyright transfer agreements. From the ROMEO and SHERPA projects in the United Kingdom.

Link to Video Tutorials & User Guide

Our aim is to make publishers' and journals' open access policies transparent and easy to understand. We have created a range of resources to help you get the most out of the service.

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that helps overcome legal obstacles to the sharing of knowledge and creativity to address the world’s pressing challenges.

In order to achieve our mission, we:

  • Provide Creative Commons licenses and public domain tools that give every person and organization in the world a free, simple, and standardized way to grant copyright permissions for creative and academic works; ensure proper attribution; and allow others to copy, distribute, and make use of those works

Types of Creative Commons Licence

Creative Commons Trademark

Creative Commons is a non-profit organisation that offers an alternative to full copyright. By placing a Creative Commons statement on your blog, you are specifying the terms of use for anyone who would wish to use your material. You can select from a number of licenses on your blog sidebar, for more information see How do I provide a copyright statement on my blog?

Public Domain (no conditions)

By placing your blog and images in the public domain, you are specifying no conditions for anyone who wishes to use your work. They will be able to use it without permission, without attributing it to yourself and for any purpose they wish.

By attribution Attribution License

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit.

By attribution No derivative works Attribution-NoDerivs License

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit.

By attribution Not for commercial use No derivative works Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit, and is not used for commercial purposes.

By attribution Not for commercial use Attribution-NonCommercial License

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but for noncommercial purposes only.

By attribution Not for commercial use Must share-alike Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but for noncommercial purposes only, and only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

By attribution Must share-alike Attribution-ShareAlike License

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.


At a glance

Attribution means:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit.

Noncommercial means:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but for noncommercial purposes only.

No Derivative Works means:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it.

Share Alike means:
You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

To Learn more about Creative Commons Licences, please visit their website