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Mendeley: Groups

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

Groups with Mendeley

Collaborate on bibliographies : Share bibliographies with your colleagues through a private group. Any member can add or edit any cited references.

Team plans: Team plans allow you to share and collaborate with up to 50 people, create unlimited number of private groups and get unlimited group library space. Create your custom plan now.

Share papers and collaborate: Whether you’re a research team, lab, or university class - sharing papers can be a challenge. Simply create public or private groups and start sharing documents instantly.

Communication made easy: Group members can see papers and folders you add to the group on their newsfeed. Keep up-to-date with your collaborators.

  • See when others add documents
  • Comment and like to start discussion
  • Watch projects progress over time

All your ideas in real-time: Reviewing an article with your colleagues? When a group member adds a note, highlight or summary to a group document, the edit is visible to all the members of the group

Creating Groups

On Mendeley Desktop:  Under Groups (left column), select Create Group.

On Mendeley Web: Select Create Group (on the right of the page)

Complete the Pop-up form ensuring you select the relevant Group type

Private Groups: Share references and full-text files. Only group members can see the group, good for sharing in private.

In general, you will want to create Private groups.

Once you have created your group, you can add members and documents to it.

  1. To Invite Members to the group go to the Members tab.  Select Add to add people that are already your contacts on Mendeley , or select Invite to invite people to join you on Mendeley  
  2. You can view the documents of a group by going to the Documents tab.  To Add Documents, go to the group and click on "Add documents" in the top bar, or you can simply drag and drop them to the group.
  3. To download the PDFs that other group members attach to a group, select Edit Settings,  and tick Download attached files to group.  Note:  attached PDF files can only be shared in Private Groups, not in Public Groups.
  4. To upload your group wth all its settings to Mendeley Web, select Sync Library


Other options for groups: 

Invite Only: Share references only. Public can follow the group only, good for sharing references or reading lists.

Open: Share references only. Public can become a member or follow the group, good for crowd sourcing reading lists.

Using Groups

The Overview tab:

  • shows a summary of what has happened in your Group.  You can see updates on who has joined, who said what, and which papers have been added by whom.
  • allows you to also post status updates by entering your update into the box at the top of the overview section.
  • allows you to post comments and discuss your research using the comment box

The Papers tab lists the documents posted to this group

The Members tab lists the members who belong to this group

The Settings tab allows you to adjust settings to meet your needs

You can search Mendeley  Groups as a database as well.

Log into the Mendeley website and you can choose to keyword search for research topics, people or Mendeley groups. You can either use the tabs, highlighted with arrows below, or you can use the dropdown menu as it is displayed below.

Your Mendeley profile

Update your Academic profile in Mendeley:

  • useful for collaboration
  • useful for sharing

Link your Mendeley profile on other webpages

Once you have created your Mendeley profile, you can build a widget to display your profile, or just pieces of it, in other webpages.

Mendeley twitter

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