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Mendeley: Bibliography

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

Install Mendeley Word Plug-In

Once you have your documents in Mendeley, you can cite and reference them within Word and OpenOffice by installing plug-ins.  Once installed, you will have tool bar buttons that will allow you to cite a document, generate a bibliography, or manually edit any entry.

Go to Tools in Mendeley Desktop.

Install... and select the plugin you wish to add. 

In-text Citations

Cite seamlessly without leaving Word.

You can insert citations from your Mendeley account directly into your paper as you write. When your paper is done, Mendeley can auto-generate your bibliography.

Whilst working within you Word document, place your curser where you wish to insert your selected citation.

  • Select References, and click Insert Citation. At the same time you can select the Reference Style you need from the drop-down menu.


  • If you are using Word on Windows, you will be prompted to log into your Mendeley account.  A search box will prompt you to find the citation within your Mendeley Library references by author, title or year (note that this is only available for Microsoft Word for Windows at the moment). Type a keyword from the citation, such as the author's name or a word from the article title. Select OK.
  • When you find the reference you want to cite, click OK and you're done.  You can cite multiple references by using semicolons to separate them.

  • If you prefer to find references using Mendeley Desktop, press the "Go to Mendeley" button beneath the search box, which brings up Mendeley Desktop.  Then select the document in Mendeley Desktop, and click Cite.   Again, you can cite multiple documents.  Just hold the Ctrl key and left click the documents you want to cite. 
  • Your citation will be sent to your word processor. 

Now you can generate a bibliography.

Creating your bibliography while you write

Mendeley generates the Bibliography

To have Mendeley generate the Bibliography for your finished paper, you must first insert some of your citations. When you are ready to generate the Bibliography:

  • Place your cursor at the end of your paper.
  • Make sure you have selected the citation style you want (see the 'Style:' menu in the screen shot below.)
  • Click on 'Insert Bibliography' in the 'References' portion of your Word software.

  • It really is that simple.

Quick Simple Bibliography

To make a quick Bibliography of citations selected directly from your Mendeley account:

  • Open your Mendeley Desktop software and Microsoft Word.
  • In the Mendeley software click on the citation(s) you want in the reference list (using the Ctrl key to select more than one).
  • Drag the citation(s) into your Word software.

  • Very easy and simple for this result in Word.

Adding additional styles to Mendeley

To add a Reference style to your Mendeley Desktop:

  • Under View (tool bar), select Citation Style
  • Select More Styles
  • Select Get more styles
  • Type the style you require. Highlight it and Install
  • Check to see that it is listed under the Installed tab

List of Mendeley citation styles

Quickly search and select your citation style from a rapidly growing community managed database, or create new styles with the new CSL Editor.

Citing your sources

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