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Mendeley: Getting Started

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

Installing Mendeley

What you need

  • Create a Mendeley account. You need a Mendeley account in order to use the tool. The Library has Mendeley web importer and Word plug-ins installed on all workstations

You need to install Mendeley on your personal devices off-campus.

  • Mendeley Desktop.  This is the software that stores your content on your personal computer/device. Click on the icon:
  • Mendeley web importer. Install on your browser's toolbar, to capture citations from the web and from some library databases. Drag the 'Import to Mendeley' button to your bookmarks toolbar.
  • Microsoft Word plug-in. This plug-in, available from within Mendeley's software, allows you to drop citations into your papers as you write. It also generates your reference list.
  • Mendeley App for iPad/iPhone/iPodTouch. Note this App is not very well reviewed.
Other Tutorials to help you get started

Mendeley twitter

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For a one-on-one consultation, email your librarian