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Open Science: Open Science Evaluation

A guide to define and explore the domain of Open Science. This includes Open Access, Digital Humanities, Open Data, OERs, Open Notebooks, Open Peer Review, Open Source, Scientific Social Networks, Citizen Science

Open Science Evaluation

Open Science Evaluation: An open assessment of research results, not limited to peer-reviewers, but requiring the community’s contribution

Open Metrics and Impact

Open metrics and Impact: An alternative to traditional impact metrics systems, open metrics have developed new way of evaluating the impact of the scholarly outputs

     Bibliometrics: Citation and content analysis used in Open Science.

     Altmetrics: A project that produces article level metrics of scholarly articles from information collected from the Internet, such as social media sites, newspapers, and other sources

     Webometrics: The science at which there is an attempt to compute the extent of the World Wide Web.

     Semantometrics: As opposed to existing Bibliometrics, Webometrics, Altmetrics, etc., Semantometrics are not based on measuring the number of interactions in the scholarly communication network, but exploit primarily the fulltext of manuscripts to assess the value of a publication.