Essay Question: Economic Analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Driven Personalisation in Shaping Consumer Behaviour
Electronic Copy: Must be submitted by 5pm via Ru-Connected using turn-in-it link provided.
Due Dates
24 March: Full first draft (constructive feedback must submit for DP)
25 April: Final Essay (to be graded)
Search for an electronic version of a short newspaper or popular press article that discusses the impact of AI-driven personalisation on consumer behavior within a specific industry in any country (e.g., e-commerce, streaming platforms, social media, etc.). The article or analysis of the article must have been published within the last 5 years. Refer to the Rhodes University Library Essay Guide to assist in finding credible sources.
Essay Question: Conduct an economic analysis of the selected article in the form of an essay, using microeconomic theory and diagrams (where applicable), to explain how AI-driven personalisation influences consumer behavior and its implications for the market and welfare.
Some guiding points includes;
NB// The article should not be older than 5 years.
FOR THIS ESSAY THE EXPECTED OUTCOME IS that the candidate demonstrates their ability
Every essay should consist of the following parts:
Before you begin searching for information, you should thoroughly understand the topic you are researching. Dictionaries and encyclopaedias are a good place to begin. Dictionaries provide definitions of unfamiliar terms, whilst encyclopaedias give more detailed explanations and overviews of topics.
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias are available in both print (Level 3 Commerce Reference Collection) and online – please see the Economics Subject Guide to learn more or ask your librarian!
1. Identify Keywords/Search Terms
Once you have understood the topic, the first step in searching for information for your topic is identifying keywords/search terms. Library databases require you to enter keywords into the search box because entering an entire essay topic/question will not be as effective and may likely return poor or even no results at all. The keywords/search terms you use are critical in determining the relevance of the results that you will retrieve. Examples of the keywords/search terms you may use are:
"AI personalisation"
"AI-driven personalisation"
"consumer behaviour"
"retail industry"
"bounded rationality"
"consumer surplus"
2. Creating a Search Statement
To retrieve the most relevant search results, you will need to construct a search statement.
A search statement is a combination of the keywords/search terms that you enter into the search box of a database. You use Connecting Words to link the keywords/search terms. Connecting Words are AND, OR and NOT.
Connecting keywords/search terms & using phrases to improve your search:
Use * to replace a letter or shorten a word to retrieve all versions of the word.
Search statement examples:
("AI driven personalisation" OR "AI personalisation") AND ("consumer behavio*r" OR "consumer preference*") AND "retail industry"
"AI system*" AND ("consumer behavio*r" OR "consumer preference*")
"demand pattern*" AND "AI Personalisation"
3. These Search Statements can be used to find appropriate textbook sources and articles on Search All as well as on relevant library databases and websites.
Read the HELP screens on each database to clarify how to best to construct your keyword search. Taking a few moments to read through the "how to search" instructions may save you hours of time and frustration.
The CORE TEAM. 2017. The Economy: Economics for a changing world. Oxford University Press. Can be downloaded at