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Teacher Resource Centre: BEd 1st year

Course Support for BEd 1st year students

This Course Guide is designed to provide you with access to supplementary course materials for Education 1st year module.

Finding prescribed readings placed on Short Loan

Research process

You may impress your lecturer by consulting a variety of search tools, such as:

  • Search All - a discovery platform that searches across all library resources, such as books, journal articles and media etc.
  • Databases - use databases to find articles from scholarly journals, for example EBSCOhost (choose Academic Search Premier and Eric), Google Scholar, Emerald etc.         


Boolean Searching Techniques

Brainstorming search terms

Remember, when you are given an essay topic, never put the whole topic in the search box. You need to brainstorm your topic by identifying keywords or search terms and use these keywords to do your search. This will help you to retrieve relevant results for your essay.

Examples of keywords/search terms related to your area of study that you may use:

"Child development" AND education

"Foundation phase" AND school*

"Foundation phase" AND teacher*