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Academic Publishing: Article Processing Charges (APCs)

A guide to define and explore the domains of Academic Publishing


Transformative Agreements

     American Chemical Society (ACS) (2023-2025)

     Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) (2024-2026)

     Cambridge University Press (CUP) (2021-2024)

     Emerald (2022-2024)

     Microbiology Society

     Oxford University Press (OUP) (2023-2025)

     Royal Society (2022-2024)

     Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) (2024-2027)

     Sage Publishing (2022-2024)

     ScienceDirect (Elsevier) (2023-2025)

     SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) (2020-2024)

     Springer Nature (2023-2025)

     Taylor and Francis (2024-2026)

     Wiley (2022-2025)

Publication fees for open access journals: Different disciplines-different methods

Publication fees for open access journals: Different disciplines-different methods

Many authors appear to think that most open access (OA) journals charge authors for their publications. This brief communication examines the basis for such beliefs and finds it wanting. Indeed, in this study of over 9,000 OA journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals, only 28% charged authors for publishing in their journals. This figure, however, was highest in various disciplines in medicine (47%) and the sciences (43%) and lowest in the humanities (4%) and the arts (0%).

Read & Publish Agreements negotiated by SANLiC

SANLic has created a guide which provides an overview of all the current read and publish (R&P) agreements.

These agreements enable libraries to provide read access to paywalled content while simultaneously repurposing reading subscription expenditure to finance open access publishing in the same journal collections.  Students, academic staff and researchers can access high quality paywalled scholarly content while authors can publish full and immediate open access in hybrid journals without paying APCs in most cases or at a discounted rate in some fully open access journals. Authors from participating institutions are eligible for OA publishing in the titles included in these agreements.

Please note that it is the researchers responsibility to double-check the DHET accreditation of a specific journal.

Source:  SANLiC website 4/04/2024