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Academic Publishing: Open Access Resources

A guide to define and explore the domains of Academic Publishing

For more information

For more information, visit the Scholarly Communication: Open Access Resources page

Open Access Journals

Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG)

Image result for Australasian Open Access Strategy Group logo

The Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG) advocates to make Australasian research Open and FAIR.

The AOASG supports the Open Knowledge foundation definition of “Open”, i.e. that anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share content for any purpose. We also support the right of authors to retain their copyright and to be attributed for their work. We also recognize the need for research outputs to be FAIR and contributed to the development of the F.A.I.R. Statement in 2016.

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The Wellcome Trust

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The overarching aim of our open access (OA) policy is to make sure that knowledge and discoveries resulting from our funding are shared and used in a way that maximises their benefit to health.

Providing free, online access to published research will:

  • maximise the availability and usability of publications
  • make sure the research we fund can be built upon.

Our OA policy for journal articles is in line with the key principles of Plan S. Wellcome is a member of cOAlition S and is committed to working in partnership with other funders to make all research articles OA.

Our policy for monographs and book chapters remains unchanged.

Both of these policies apply to publications that include original research that is funded in whole, or in part, by Wellcome.



OAIster is a catalogue of millions of records that represent open access resources. It scans the internet to find freely available items that conform to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).  OAIster can harvest key bibliographic information from these freely available resources and then use this information to point you towards the resources.

Search OAIster

What will you find on OAIster?

  • Theses
  • Journal articles
  • Preprints
  • Book chapters
  • Conference proceedings

Where does OAIster find these items?

OAIster captures information from institutional repositories and from open access journals.

Take note: Some items are peer-reviewed, while others are not.

Open Access Directory

Relevant Open Source Software

Open source software is available to provide online platforms for repositories, ejournals and conferences. Here are a few examples:

Open Education Resources (OER)

Open educational resources (OER)
are teaching, learning, and research resources
that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property
license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.

Explore the Open Education Resources (OER),  including lectures, activities and labs, readings and syllabi, available on the OER Commons.

Examples of other Open Education Resources (OER) include: