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Research Support: Research Support @Rhodes

A Guide to assist Postgradtuate Students and Researchers know where to go for Research Support during their research journey at Rhodes University

Research Office

Research Office
Research Strategic Objectives

1. To broaden the research output quality and research productivity levels of academic staff, through increased PhD qualification proportions, targeted research funding and resourcing, and the pursuit of Institutional Equity and Transformation goals.

2. The identification of strategic focus areas of scholarly excellence, and the development thereof into key differentiators for excellence.

3. To grow and maintain excellent research infrastructure and support to meet the needs of researchers and postgraduate students.

4. To instil and grow a research culture that fosters innovative, relevant, and challenging research.

5. To grow the attractiveness of Rhodes University as a host institution for Postdoctoral Fellows, with a target of doubling the postdoctoral population and significantly broadening it beyond its current predominantly Science Faculty base.


Postgraduate Objectives

1. To grow the proportion of postgraduate students at Rhodes University to one-third of the student population.

2. Improve throughput, completion and success rates of our postgraduate students, through increasing relevant support structures.

3. To develop, strengthen, and increase supervisory capacity amongst academic staff

4. To raise the profile and status of postgraduate education and training at Rhodes University, through the establishment of a Postgraduate Studies Centre.

5. To grow financial support opportunities for postgraduate students.


Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPGS)

The work of CHERTL involves the development of academic staff as professional educators, the promotion and assurance of quality in teaching and learning, and the development of student learning in conjunction with academic departments, the latter more directly through the work of the Extended Studies Unit (ESU). In addition CHERTL also functions as an academic department of Rhodes University focused on Higher Education as a field of study and the development of teaching and learning in higher education. 

The Centre conducts research on teaching and learning in higher education and offers formal programmes in Higher Education Studies contributing to the development of quality teaching and learning. The Centre is also responsible for promoting service-learning within the institution, for the administration and development of the New Generation of Academics (nGAP), for enhancing the quality of short courses and supporting tutor coordinators.

The scope of CHERTL’s work moves beyond the institution, playing an active role at national and international levels. CHERTL contributes significantly to the national higher education landscape, both through the offering of formal qualifications at other institutions as well as through representation on national bodies such as the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA) and the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC).

Centre of Higher Education for Research, Teaching and Learning (CHERTL)

The Centre for Postgraduate Studies supports postgraduate scholars and supervisors in a number of ways 

Rhodes University Library

Purpose Statement 

Rhodes University Library and Information Services is committed to supporting the mission of Rhodes University in the pursuit of knowledge by students, researchers, scholars, and surrounding communities, by providing quality learning resources, client-centered services, the skills required to effectively participate in the information society and knowledge economy and, a conducive physical and virtual learning environment, that enhances intellectual creativity as well as the free and open exchange of knowledge and ideas.