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RefWorks, Zotero, Mendeley: Migrate from RefWorks to Mendeley

RefWorks, Zotero, Mendeley: suites of tools and services designed to facilitate discovery and research from start to finish. Research management, writing and collaboration tools

Migrate citations from RefWorks to Mendeley

It is straight forward to migrate the contents of your Refworks account into your Mendeley account.

What you do is generate a coded text file of all the citations in your Refworks account, save that as a .txt file, and then import that file in to Mendeley. Here are step by step instructions to complete that process:

  • To maintain the file structure which exists in your Refworks account, you need to export each folder individually. To do that, right click on a Refworks folder name, select 'Export', and then 'Bibliographic Software (Endnote, Reference Manager, ProCite)'.

  • If you want to export your entire Refworks account all at once, hover over 'References' and select 'Export'.

  • On the next screen, select 'Bibliographic Software (Endnote, Reference Manager, ProCite)'
  • When the page has downloaded, you will see this message in the bottom right of your screen.

  • Click to open the file. It will look like this:

  • Click 'File' --> 'Save As' --> and save the page as a .txt file.
  • Click 'File' --> 'Save As' --> and save the page as a .txt file.
    • Open your Mendeley Desktop software and click 'File' --> 'Add Files'.

    • Find the .txt file you just saved and double click on it.

    The references will display within your Mendeley account

Migrating Refworks citations to Mendeley

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