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DVD's: Law

RU Library - Level 1

Harassment and diversity : respecting differences

Produced by Kantola Productions 2005

Directed by Timothy Armstrong

Patients' rights and responsibilities : your right to dignity

Department of Health

Sisters in law

A film by Florence Ayisi and Kim Longinotto 2007

The native who caused all the trouble

The story is based on an actual event that took place in Cape Town in 1937. A Xhosa man, is evicted from land he believes he owns and on which he wants to build a church. He chases away two occupants of a house built on this land, and he is arrested and tried in court


Produced by Louise and John Riber 1992

Directed by Godwin Mawuru

No safe place : violence against women

Explores the origins of violence against women, includes the moving stories of women who have been assaulted, and interviews men who commit these crimes and experts who look at causes and solutions