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History: Historical Quizzes

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Famous Quotes in History

Who said each of the following :

1.  I came, I saw, I conquered.

2.  An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

3.  An army marches on its stomach.

4.  Mr Gorbachev, Tear down this wall.

5.  All men by nature desire knowledge.

6.  Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

7.  I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

8.  After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.

9.  Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody - I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.

10. I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

11. Ich bin ein Berliner.

12. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

13. There are no facts, only interpretations.

See answers below

Answers to Famous Quotes Quiz

1. Julius Caesar;  2. Mahatma Gandhi;  3. Napoleon Bonaparte;  4. Ronald Reagan;  5. Aristotle;  6. John F. Kennedy;  7. Martin Luther King Jr;  8. Nelson Mandela;  9. Mother Teresa;  10. Winston Churchill; 11. John F. Kennedy; 12. Franklin Delano Roosevelt; 13. Friedrich Nietzsche.

General History Quiz

1. Who became British Prime Minister in 1937?

2. Algeria gained its independence from what country in 1962?

3. The year 1987 was shortened by how many seconds to adjust the Gregorian calendar?

4. In 1904 the area known as "Times Square" was renamed - what was it called before?

5. Which popular fast food chain restaurant was first opened in 1955?

6. South Africa's new PM in 1989 started to dismantle apartheid. Who was he?

7. In 1994 Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty that ended a state of war between the 2 countries since what year?

8. In 1999 Boris Yeltsin resigned as President of Russia. Who replaced him?

9. In 2006 Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a what by the International Astronomical Union?

10.The first World Cup Soccer was held in which country in 1930?

11. Which popular entertainer was inducted into the US army in 1958?

12. Iran was first called Iran in 1935. What was it previously called?

13. Which man became dictator of Spain in 1939, ending the Spanish Civil War?

14. The city of Constantinople in Turkey changed its name to what in 1930?

15. In 1934 the FBI fired on and killed two bankrobbers, eventually killing them. Name them.

16. Which famous gangster was convicted for income tax evasion in 1932?

17. Who was crowned Emperor "King of Kings" of Ethiopia in 1930?

18. In 1939 Thailand changed its name from what?

19. In 1938 Edward VIII abdicated in order to marry who?

20. What was the Alcatraz federal penitentiary also known as?

See answers below



Answers to General History Quiz

1. Neville Chamberlain;  2. France;  3. 1 second;  4. Long Acre Square;  5. Macdonalds;  6. De Klerk;  7. 1948;  8. Vladimir Putin;  9. Dwarf Planet;  10. Uruguay;   11. Elvis Presley;  12. Persia;  13. General Franco;  14. Istanbul ;  15. Bonnie and Clyde;  16. Al Capone;  17. Haile Selassie;  18. Siam;  19. Wallis Simpson;  20. "The Rock".


South Africa - Apartheid 1948 - 1994 Quiz

1.   The era of Apartheid lasted from ________ to ______(year).

2.    Who was the first Prime Minister who institutionalized Apartheid in South Africa in 1948?

3.    Name the World War 2 fighter ace who became President of the ‘Torch Commando’ (anti-apartheid movement).

4.    In 1954 “Die Stem” replaced the existing national anthem of South Africa.  What was the existing anthem?

5.    Name the statement of core principles adopted by the Congress of the People in 1955.

6.    Why did 20 000 women march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria in 1956?

7.    Name one of the women who led this march.

8.    Who formed the PAC?

9.     After a day of demonstrations against Pass Laws 69 people were killed on 21 March 1960. What did this day become known as?

10.   In 1963 ten leading opponents of apartheid went on trial on charges of sabotage. What did this trial become known as?

11.   What was the armed wing of the ANC called?

12.   What was the predominantly ‘white’ student organization (acronym) in South Africa called?

13.   What was the name chosen for the all-black student organization (acronym) in 1968?

14.   Who assassinated Hendrik Verwoerd in 1966?

15.   Which international rugby team toured SA in 1974?

16.   Why did 20 000 school children march in protest in Soweto 1976?

17.   In 1976 an iconic image of a 13 year boy who died during these riots was published around the world. Name this boy?

18.   A female Rhodes University residence was named after an anti-apartheid activist who was killed by a letter bomb in Mozambique in 1982. Who was

19.   Which former SA Prime Minister was involved in the Information Scandal in 1979?

20.   Name the founder of the Black Consciousness Movement who died while in detention in 1977.

21.   Name the former Kingswood College schoolboy who died while in detention in 1982.

22.   What did UDF stand for?

23.   Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984?

24.   What did COSATU stand for?

25.   Who made the infamous “Rubicon” speech in 1985?

26.   Name the leader of Mozambique who was killed in a plane crash in 1986.

27.   Which prison was Nelson Mandela moved to after he left Robben Island?

28.   Which right wing organization was headed by Eugene Terrblanche?

29.   In which year was Nelson Mandela released?

30.   How many years had he spent in prison?

See answers below

Answers to Apartheid Quiz

1.1948 – 1994;  2. D.F. Malan;  3. Sailor Malan;  4. God Save the Queen;  5. Freedom Charter;  6. to present a petition against the carrying of passes by women to the prime minister;  7. Lilian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph, Rahima Moosa, Sophie Williams;  8. Robert Sobukwe;  9. Sharpville Massacre;  10. Rivonia;  11. Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK);  12. NUSAS;  13. SASO;  14. Dimitri Tsafendas;  15. British Lions;  16. About the use of Afrikaans in their schools;  17. Hector Pietersen;  18. Ruth First;  19. B.J. Vorster;  20. Steve Biko;  21. Neil Aggett;  22. United Democratic Front;  23. Desmond Tutu;  24. Congress of South African Trade Unions;  25. P.W. Botha;  26. Samora Machel;  27. Victor Verster;  28. AWB – Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging;  29. 1990;  30. 27 years.


'World famous landmarks' Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz Questions

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World War I Quiz

1.  What was the name given to the foreign policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II to transform Germany into a global power?

2. Name the Chancellor of Germany who had been dismissed by Kaiser Wilhelm in 1990.

3. World War I was sparked off by the assassination of the Heir to the Austrian throne. Who was he?

4. Where was he assassinated?

5. Name the military plan , devised by Germany before 1914, which would enable her to fight a war on two fronts.

6. Over the invasion of which neutral country did Britain declare war on Germany in 1914?

7. Which 3 countries made up the Triple Entente in 1914?

8. Which countries made up the Triple Alliance in 1914?

9. Name the first major Battle fought on the Eastern Front in August 1914.

10. At which time of the year was a short ‘truce’ held on the Western Front in 1914?

11. What was the name of the famous Battle fought for control of the Dardanelles?

12. Name the ship bound for Liverpool that was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915.

13. Name the WWI battle in which the British suffered 60 000 casualties on the first day in July 1916.

14. Name the WWI battle in 1916 which was supported by the South African 1st Infantry Brigade.

15. Who was the American President during the war years?

16. Why did America enter World War I?

17. Give the full date of the armistice. (Remembrance Day)

18. Where was the Peace treaty signed?

19. In which year was the treaty signed?

20. Where did most of the fighting in the trenches take place?

 See Answers below

Answers to World War I Quiz

1. ‘Weltpolitik’;  2. Bismarck;  3. Franz Ferdinand;  4. Sarajevo, Bosnia;  5. Von Schlieffen Plan;  6. Belgium;  7. Britain, France and Russia;  8. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (Italy never took part on side of Alliance);  9. Tannenburg;  10. Christmas 1914;  11. Gallipoli;  12. Lusitania;  13. Battle of Somme;  14. Delville Wood;  15. Woodrow Wilson;  16. German reluctance to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare and German attempts to entice Mexico into alliance against USA;  17. 11 November 1918;  18. Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, France;  19. 1919;  20. Western Front, France/Belgium.  


Famous World Leaders Quiz