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Research Support: Research LifeCycle & Research Data LifeCycle

A Guide to assist Postgradtuate Students and Researchers know where to go for Research Support during their research journey at Rhodes University

Placing the Research LifeCycle and Research Data LifeCycle in context

The purpose of this page is to contextualise the activities and practices that are typically understaken during the Research and Research Data LifeCycle processes during your research project or journey.

The aim therefore, is to create an awareness of the which of the Rhodes Research Support Units would be able to assist you at any given stage of your research journey. As such we follow seven (7) Research stages (in which Research Data Management (RDM) is integrated):

1. Conceptualisation

2. Planning

3. Proposal

4. Research

5. Publish

6. Preserve

7. Re-Use


Research LifeCycle

Research Data Lifecycle